
One of the old men’s parties must be trawling for the ladies’ vote with this dapper young politician


Just remember that this hot politician’s party daddy is the decrepit Abe, who 7 years ago resigned from the Prime Minister job after 10 months of service due to stomach problems. Why is he leading this cute guy’s party, again? Are they trying to confuse the feminine public? He seems very confident about his abilities to count to three using his fingers.

Update: My bad. Actually this pretty politician, with a cloth condom on his mike, works for another decrepit political daddy, Noda, current prime minister and pro-nuke anti-populist. And we haven’t even mentioned far-right wing Ishihara, who is against women, gays, immigrants, and French people, plus he’d like to add more friction (and not the sexual kind) with China.

Debauched princeling of China. Aren’t there more photos?! Please!

Any more delicious stories about Bo Guagua, the hard-partying son of the now disgraced Communist Party boss in China? It seems his family gathered US$160 million in the past ten years of political power. And the son has been partying hard, from England’s top prep schools and universities, to Harvard. Where are Japan’s messy princelings? In the US, are the Bush kids the equivalent of Guagua?


China-Georgetown Basketball Brawl

My readers know that I only care for sports in so far as there is someone interesting to look at. This basketball photo satisfies my basic requirements: Hot guys in uniforms (and not!), check. Inexplicable actions, check. Physical conflict that seems to mask physical attraction, check.

And I am left wondering why is the main stomper holding hands and locked arms with his teammate to his right?

There’s some story about how this brawl put an early end to an exhibition match in China with Washington DC’s Georgetown team. Thanks Ericthefez for photo & story.

Why are the people running the world so fugly?!

This photo has *nothing* to do with Tokyo Moe. But a simple question seems crystallized in this meeting between US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates met with President Hu Jintao of China. One super power’s banker is meeting with the other’s gun pusher.

Why are the people running the world so fugly? Jowl to jowl, they might frighten small children with their cold hearts. The flowers are horrid. The only redeeming figure is the handsome Chinese translator. Goddess, save us now!

Japanese masturbation champion Sato Masanobu

A true erotic athlete, Sato Masanobu, won a masturbation marathon with a winning time of 9 hours, 58 minutes. He credits Tenga and its 10 varieties for their help, and also says that his family is supportive of his competition. It would have been lovely to see his family at the medal ceremonies!

Japan is currently feeling insecure with the rise of China and India, but no country tops Japan in hot-dog eating, or in male masturbation. Congratulations, team Japan!

(Thanks tipster J-son).

Can US bow low enough?

I am, of course, *loving* how US conservatives are going crazy over Obama’s bowing to the Japanese Emperor. How dare he show respect to the titular leader of a foreign country?! Never mind how W walked hand-in-hand with the Saudi Arabian royal petro dealers or cozied up perched on their arm rests.

Obama playing nice in Japan and currying favor in Chinese signals a shift from the aggressive unilateralism into a new era where the US must please and satisfy the purchasers of our ballooning Treasury debt. The sexual undertones add to the political realignment of new roles and possibilities.

As others have noted, Obama was poorly prepared for his meeting with Japanese leaders. You do not bow while hand-shaking. It is either/or, or at the least bow-then-shake.

Guest post: Asian pop slash


My online friend Marius Mink sent me this amazing collection of links to Asian pop slash, and it was too delicious not to share this post, with her permission, with the world of fan girls and boys.

A quick introduction to this extraordinary guest post. Slash is typically gay male pairings from pop culture created by small groups of female fans. A version of Boys Love based on famous characters from manga, movies or even real life (think Kirk and Spock, for example).

What is most amazing about the Youtube clicks below is that Asian pop has taken this culture one step further. The boy bands themselves are now featuring male smooching as a “fanservice” to their boys-love-loving female fans in concert and on television. While the US has women kissing women in order to turn on men, this latest Asian phenomenon has boys kissing boys in order to get their female fans into a super-frenzy. OMG!

Please enjoy!


Marius Mink’s special guest post:

In an earnest attempt to find my hanchul collection, I went through my favorites and found SO many delicious treats for you. I hope you enjoy the vids. Most of them have nothing to do with Hanchul but I know you will like them. Also, unfortunately most of my good Hanchul stuff got deleted from youtube, but some pretty important stuff is still on. Heechul and Sungmin kissed. Starting on Jan 2nd, 2009 (I believe), Heechul performed a song called “Crazy” several times. ^^ He kissed four boys in four diff performances. This, of course, made ALL the kpop news blogs. This is my second favorite but, unfortunately, as much as I love Sungmin, he’s an effing homophobe. For MONTHS after this kiss, he complained about it and said things like “I can’t be around Heechul the same anymore.” In an earlier incident, Sungmin had to touch lips with Hangeng and he made a big deal about that too. -_- Heechul and Jungmo—bad quality but worth it. This was the first kiss. The first time I was floored b/c Korean pop culture is way more conservative than Japanese, so this was groundbreaking. By the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time, I was absolutely in shock. Heechul’s gotta be the most daring man in Kpop. Jungmo is part of a krock band called TRAX (they’re not well known but they’re awesome). In my opinion, Jay Kim (the singer of TRAX) and Heechul kind of have a history together. There is some convincing canon slash on them out there. Heechul and Siwon–the uber Christian (but I think homo) member of Super Junior. If you can read Chinese… Kindan no Koi- I have yet to watch this film. It’s probably one of the only BL films in Japan that I haven’t seen. I can’t even find it raw. It looks bad, but that’s never stopped me from watching/reading yaoi before. It’s from the ppl who made Boys Love—best movie ever. This is a vid of the now broken up band of Korean transexuals called Lady. My sis and I love them. You’re effing welcome. 🙂 It’s a shame that youtube removed the first vid I ever saw of him. This man, Jung Hyung Min, got a little stint of fame from this event. He was on Starking, one of the most famous tv shows on Korean tv. Jung hyung min again. I LOVE this guy. This is the opening song of a crazy ass Japanese gay camp film I stumbled upon at a previously homophobic friend’s PPV. The two lovers, Yaji and Kita, are in search of magical mushrooms b/c the blonde one is addicted to drugs. The blonde guy is super famous. He played the emperor in Tom Cruise’s Last Samurai. I find that hilarious. The brunette is super hot in real life. They make out a couple of times in the film. This is a recent gay Korean film based on the uber famous Japanese manga Antique Bakery (Bangin-sensei cosplayed as the glasses guy). This film is fabulous and the gay action between the French boy and the pretty Korean guy is gorgeous. Watch it. You’ll love it.

Now we begin the Hanchul part: During their Don’t Don stage, Hangeng boasted some fierce blonde hair. This is his now famous hip thrust in the song. This is a really cute vid of Hanchul holding hands and being all coupley on Chinese television. I’m not gonna lie… this video inspires me almost more than anything else to learn Chinese. I SO want to be able to understand Hangeng and the Chin prog he’s on. I love this SOOO much. It’s adorable. Hanchul at its best. This is THE most famous Hanchul clip. It occurred on the Korean variety show YSMM (which I’m addicted to). I highly recommend watching the whole ep b/c it’s hilarious and thoroughly entertaining. Plus, I’m in love with the singer Sung Si Kyung and he’s on there. Also, the woman with short orangy hair is a great singer too.