
Even boring sports have their high points



Yes, Colin Kaepernick, you have convinced me that there is more to football than rowdy men, beer, and burka-like uniforms. He seems to invite attention and observation. I highly recommend the full video, from ESPN’s 2013 “Body Issue.” Love how he gives interview on tattoo table!

Take It Like a Man, as only Cher knows

This concept is not very sophisticated, yet the song and video express Cher’s gender fantasy. Women are strong, men are pretty. Thanks, Eric the fez, my old college roommate for bringing this religious work to my attention.

Fashion Conundrum #4: Does the mask add just the right amount of mystery with bare calves?


The mask is many things: courtesy, self-protection, anti-social, or just wanting a few extra centimeters of space on the train. But with this bare calves outfit with jacket matching the New Balance running shoes, the mask also obscures just enough to add another layer of intrigue and attraction. Plus, it seems he reads.

Dear reader, would you wear a mask to attract the attention of foreign pervs?

Fashion conundrum #2: What happened to his dress pants?


Nakano can be very casual. I’ve seen crocs, slippers, pajamas, and room wear of every type. But even I was taken back by this odd juxtaposition. Was this sexy shorts and business top intentional, or did something happen to his dress pants? I love how he’s bringing attention to this fashion conundrum, and his immediate audience seem like conservative office ladies. Oh, Nakano!

Why, Why Manti?

This auto-tune masterpiece is currently my favorite song. I love the desperation of Katie Couric to generate attention, Manti’s childishness, and his dad’s rhyming bass. Pure genius.