
Cage fight between plushies, with Lou Diamond Phillips as villain. How did I miss that?!

I’d heard the song, but the video is oddly inspiring and lascivious. I’m also loving the video for Macklemore and Lewis’ Thrift Shop. Good to wake up on the weekend and see that the kids are still dressing up and acting weird.


Japan’s non-sexual “Herbivore” men seen thru Taiwan web video news

Both unflattering (Wimpus Japonica) and kind of complete animated video explaining Japan’s “herbivores,” the young men (perhaps 30%?) who are eschewing sex for domesticity, fashion, and the company of other well dressed young men.

The 1 minute 30 second video covers post-Bubble austerity, a new rejection of  hetero sexuality as consumption, Japan’s declining birth rate, and gender boundary crossing. (Via Mutant Frog Travelogue).

“I’m perfectly good”: Rihanna’s S&M Video

I am becoming a Rihanna fan. This is from her just released S&M song, whose video will be out soon. The lyrics are part camp and part self-help.

“I may be bad but I’m perfectly good.
There’s sex in the air.
I don’t care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but chains and whips excite me.”

You can hear the song on JustJared’s blog (no relation).

Is this video actor hot or skanky?

I am a huge fan of Shibuya Night’s blog, The Salaryman, The Yakuza and the Host Boy. It’s written as the personal diary and interests of a 20ish European woman who enjoys Japanese men, and it, too, was listed as one of CNNgo’s top 10 Japan blog in English. I love her nasty stories and constant visual stream of extreme male images. It’s a great reminder that some women find these super-femme boys very sexy.

I hope she doesn’t mind if I quote from her fangirling of this photo. And I wonder, do my readers think this video actor is hot or skanky?!

I want to ram him.
He’s in gay porn and straight porn. But he’s also pretty much a prostitute.
I could technically email his company and be like, I want a 60minute session with him please, but really… paying him…. serious? I doubt I would.

If I ever get so bored when I’m back in Tokyo, I might just go hang around takadanobaba and bump into him ha! Stalkerrrrrr

It says on his profile he’s not gay. Yum.