Month: May 2012

Stanford grad becomes Korean rapper undermined by jealous rellies?

Jealous and anonymous rumors circulated that Korean rapper Tablo faked his Stanford credentials, leading to much drama for this adorable singer. I love how this video merges rap with emo whining and boy band preening. There’s definitely a young gay undertone, and as one NPR commenter shrewdly observed, it’s amazing that the cars get so close and don’t dirty the outfits or make-up.

I guess that’s called “special effects.” Mostly, I’m surprised that there’s such sexy graduates of that geeky and fashion-challenged university.

Fashion warning: Another summer of Crocs

I have terrible news to share from inner west Tokyo. This will be yet another summer of Crocs. You thought this ugly fad would have long passed, no? Recently I spotted Crocs worn by a yanki with gold lame accented sweats, as well as a rather stylish senior gentleman. The horror!

Still, I love the way this yanki is staring down my camera.

A supermodel channel Jackie O in family court. She seeks US $46k/month in child support

It’s nice to see supermodels of the world still looking sharp. These are four images of Linda Evangelista in Manhattan family court seeking child support of $46,000 per month from French luxury brand magnate François-Henri Pinault. I love how she’s projecting Jackie O: tailored, rich, very Upper East Side lady.

Speaking of supermodels of the world, who do you think would win a runway walk-off between Linda and RuPaul? Ru would certainly win the lip sync for your life contest, but I’d love to see the fashion competition. Both ladies are standing tall!