
“Romney is a dangerous homosexualist”

Brooklyn’s rabbi Yehuda Levin rants against Romney for being a “homosexualist.” This is the same NY rabbi who blamed NY gay marriage for the murder of an 8 year old boy. This guy gives religion a bad name.

His first words are super creepy: “May this be a sanctification of the name of god.” Fat chance, creepy dude!

Is it bad to find Omar Bin Laden sexy?

Osama Bin Laden’s son is looking good! I guess finding one of the world’s biggest terrorists’ son sexy is probably “no guudo” (no good) as we say in Japan. But still! I also agree with his brothers and his statement that “We maintain that arbitrary killing is not a solution to political problems.” If only this concept was universally shared.

There’s no small irony that this Saudi hottie is wearing a Calvin Klein t-shirt, no? I also love how his “Growing Up bin Laden” memoir seems to echo the famous life story of the Kardashian sisters.

Tattooed kewpie: bad boy or firefighter?!

I saw this amazing tattooed Kewpie in the middle of a display of dozens of good luck ornaments at the Hanazono Shinto shrine for the Torinoichi festival. This shrine is conveniently located between Ni-chome and Kabukicho, and certainly draws some of Tokyo’s most beautiful nocturnal beings seeking spirituality and cash for the new year.

Of course I assumed that this Kewpie was a yakuza, with his handsome full body tattoo. No, the husband informed me later, his little flag says that he’s a firefighter. It’s odd that tattoos are so taboo in Japan, and worn not only by gangsters but also firefighters and carpenters.

Don’t those who rescue us and build our homes deserve to go into the neighborhood sento baths with the rest of us? Or is it better that they are relegated to specific places that accept them (and their admirers)?

(For beautiful people spotting and/or tattooed kewpie buying, this festival concludes next Wednesday and Thursday nights Thursday and Friday nights, Nov 18 and Nov 19).

Learn Japanese with trial of Oshio Manobu

Ok. This is in very bad taste. But, I am hoping to improve my listening abilities by following the lurid trial of Oshio Manobu, an attractive if arrogant actor accused of providing ecstacy to a Ginza hostess and then abandoning her when she had a heart attack.

This story has many important angles: the first famous “lay judge” or jury trial since it was recently introduced in Japan, a story about drug panic in Japan (love the visual at the beginning where hundreds of pills are flying across the screen), its location in a super expensive Roppongi apartment possibly owned by the Peaches John bra shop’s female owner, and so on. Here’s yesterday’s summary in English.

Verdict is on Friday!

What makes the story mesmerizing for me, and probably for many Japanese female viewers, is the combination of Oshio’s bad character and his many hot looks. Is it wrong to think sexual thoughts of a bad person? Can you learn Japanese while feeling conflicted? (I have posted twice previously last December and August).

What do you think?!

Sumo & wrestling: lotta masculinity to enjoy

I am not sure why bad boy x-sumo champion Asashoryu is posing next to Japan’s medal-winning wrestlers. But I like it! It’s funny to see a sumo big boy in a conservative suit, and the wrestlers outfits are revealing. I love combinations of unrelated masculinity. More is definitely better ^^

Oshio: Bad boy of the decade?

Bad boy Oshio has been arrested again, related to his leaving a hostess who overdosed in a Roppongi apartment owned by the Peaches John female tycoon. He’s arrogant, shameless, and– let’s be honest– kind of good looking in a more than slightly dangerous way.