
Fashion conundrum #1: What’s up with wool hats paired with shorts?


All during May and into June, I’ve been noticing the strangest seasonal fashion: wool cap paired with shorts. I certainly appreciate the start of shorts season, and maybe these men find the wool cap allows them to bare their legs earlier. I, on the other hand, have long packed away all my woolens.

Best part of this photo is that his hat matches  the train, and his shirt the platform tiles.

Police pair outside Bluebird hair salon

Even crazy hail does not deter me from a Tokyo anti-nuke demo. Over the next week, I’ll be posting my bonus entertainment from the serious energy issues: admiring a wide variety of uniformed police. There must have been hundreds of uniformed officers on duty, doing nothing.

My favorite of all was this synchronized pair, securing the Bluebird hair salon with the power of their ear pieces. It must be nice to work with a buddy.