
We are still here in Tokyo!

I have not posted for a week to pay respect to the thousands of dead and displaced by the unimaginable earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011. Frankly I wondered whether this blog’s frivolity and frequent lack of taste is appropriate during this stressful period of intense sadness and nuclear meltdown panic.

From today I will resume this blog to show that we are still alive, creative and observant here in Tokyo. I was inspired by my  blogging sensei Bangin, who insists he will continue to try to make others happy through his blog. Even in the worst of times, there is plenty of moe to share, plenty of male fashion to ponder, and plenty of hope that Japan will rebuild.

Can you outdance Kylie?

People watching at Tokyo Dome

Tokyo Dome, Katun Fans

On a weekday afternoon, Tokyo Dome was alive with two groups of contiguous but not intersecting fans. On the upper level were hundreds of girls who had arrived hours early to watch a Johnny’s boy band called Katun. On the lower deck, hundreds of ojiisan (old guys) stand transfixed watching horse races on video screens and consulting their newspapers for betting stats.

Ojiisan horse betting, Tokyo Dome

I love the fan’s fan. Both groups have a similar intensity of purpose, no?

Katun fan's fan, Tokyo Dome

And the contrast between the girls’ “kawaii” fashions and the older gents’ uniforms of caps, muted colored slacks and jackets. There seems to be a group for everyone in Tokyo.

Ojiisan, horse race betting, Tokyo Dome