Ramen is always a holiday

I don’t usually post food photos here, but I have to make an exception for ramen. There is something so porky and so satisfying about this common food.

There must be hundreds of ramen shops in Nakano, each with its own version. My current favorite is “Yokohama” style, on south side of the JR station, and features yankii-ish young cooks who are always wear towels on their sweaty heads.

Ramen is a health food and spirit recharger. It’s like chicken soup for Japanese, only tastier. This post is timed for someone else’s religious holiday: see what you’re missing!


  1. Yum, I need ramen! One of my students told me that one of the ramen shops here is part of a Japanese chain and authentic so I might have to pay them a visit. Why are kitchen staff in Japan always so hot?

  2. Jew-Jew-Jew – you are a Jew and who better than I to know it? So it is not “someone else’s religious holiday”

  3. Not all of “us” are missing it 🙂
    No eye candy, but you should check out the black sesame ramen at Minpai (明白) in Nakano, near the super on the north east side of the JR station. I miss that side of town…

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