
Meet John Boehner, Republican House Speaker & Cryer

Is this a man-crush forming?

I was a little sad that in the Republican “wave,” the male Tea Baggers mostly won, while some of the craziest lady tea baggers lost, including the anti-masturbation witch (DE), world wrestling CEO (CT), “man up” Arizona know-nothing (AZ) (NV), and the tech titans (CA).

I find some small consolation in the growing popularity of right-wing Republicans who are public cryers. Most everyone knows about Glenn Beck, but now the spotlight turns on John Boehner, the new House Speaker (OH). He cries over innocent school children, the sacrifice of the soldiers, and his hardscrabble upbringing with 11 siblings. He’s also known for his orange skin color, heavy smoking, and coziness with all sorts of big money lobbyists. The New York Times remarked on “his quivering lips and moist lashes.”

Do you think men who don’t cry on camera are less trust-worthy?!